Music Teacher Resources

Since the beginning of time, music has always been considered as the purest form of art. Music is also known as a universal language that everyone can understand. With more and more musicians looking to teach the subject of music, they strive to find the best music teacher resources.
Here, we’ll give you ideas on how to find and get access to the best music teacher resources. You’ll also get insights on where to find useful teaching materials, lesson plans, and more.
a pianist's hands playing the piano, sheet music

Where do I Find Music Teacher Resources?

Teaching materials and resources are essential in every music class. These will help teachers to communicate information to students while keeping them engaged.
There are many different resources available to make learning more fun and enjoyable. We’re sure it won’t come as any surprise that you can find a wide range of teaching materials online.
You don’t have to invest a whole lot of time and money finding teaching resources since they’re readily available. All you need to do is decide which materials are most suitable for your students.
Here, we’ve compiled several music teacher resources that you can use to find teaching materials.

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smiling young woman at the piano

Oxfam’s World Music Lessons

World music has become a vital part of most music curriculums. However, the most widely available resources are for classical and popular music. Oxfam, a well-known charity which campaigns to eliminate poverty, has developed music lesson plans focusing on music from different countries.
Oxfam’s World Music Lessons come with separate lesson plans for different age groups. The site provides downloadable music tracks and PDF lesson plans.
BBC Ten Pieces
BBC created an excellent teaching resource called Ten Pieces, although there are now forty pieces of music available to explore. There are a variety of materials, lesson plans and instrumental arrangements to suit both elementary and high school students. BBC Ten Pieces also have resources for students with additional support needs.
Each piece of music comes with a range of resources such as background information on the composer, lesson plans, videos, and more. Easy arrangements are also available so students can experience playing each piece.
Teachers are encouraged to use these pieces as a creativity springboard, while students produce compositions inspired by the pieces. BBC Ten Pieces also has an uploader where students can share compositions and performances with others.

English Folk Dance and Song Society Resource Bank

The English Folk Dance and Song Society is another free resource bank. It has beginner guides to folk music, recordings, and scores of a wide variety of folk tunes. A lot of the scores are targeted at specific Key Stage levels, and you can filter the resources to find the right materials for the level you are teaching.

The NST Group

Since music isn’t a visual subject, music classrooms can look dull and boring. At the NST website, you can download free posters about musical dynamics, songwriting tips, and more. Having these in your classroom or teaching space is one way to make it a more engaging learning place for your students.

Classical 100

Classical 100 is a resource bank by ABRSM and is aimed at primary schools. Here, teachers and students can access up to a hundred classical music pieces for free.
You can search pieces on the website by time period, instrument, tempo, or mood. You’ll find pieces for learning sounds, storytelling, dancing, and more. It’s a great source of materials if you’re looking for a specific piece to suit your lesson.
violin lesson showing teacher's hands guiding student's hands in holding bow and playing violin

Benefits of Teaching Music

Music’s beauty and how it connects people are reasons why today’s music teachers’ network continues to grow. It doesn’t matter where you’re from or what you do. Music has a unique way of connecting people from all backgrounds simply through the shared appreciation of a beautiful melody.
Generally, almost everyone in the world enjoys some form of music. Whether it’s by listening, singing, or playing on your favorite musical instruments.
Yet despite being the most universally favored hobby, many schools have cut their music education programs. With this decision, schools aren’t only losing a fun and enjoyable subject, they’re losing a class that enriches every student’s life and education.
Although music is no longer taught in every school, there is still a desire to study music. To meet this demand for music lessons, many musicians are finding out how they can become a music teacher.
Teaching music is highly rewarding. If you come across a music teachers’ network, you’ll definitely hear high praise for their chosen career.
For teachers, seeing students ”get it” and knowing they’ve understood your lesson is incredibly rewarding. Passionate teachers of all subjects love seeing the development in their students, but this is especially true when it comes to music.
Music has an incredible way of bringing each student out of their comfort zone, and sparking the individuality that’s hidden within. It becomes an increasingly unique experience for each student, which is both fulfilling for them and their music teacher.
As a music teacher, it’s a delight to watch students perform, seeing their confidence grow before everyone.
There are so many benefits that teachers acquire when teaching music. Let’s take a look at some of them.

Music Teacher Lesson Plans

Other than finding the best music resources, there’s another commonly asked question amongst the music teachers’ network. That question is how to plan music lessons.
The most effective lesson plans are those which will be easy for students to follow. They should also contain elements that will keep the students engaged and interested at all times.
If you’re looking up ways on how to teach effectively, you’re in the right place. Read on to learn some tips on ways to plan music lessons and how these can help with the overall learning process.

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A music instructor guiding her beginner student in their private piano lessons

Make the Lessons Short and Sweet While Including Interesting Activities 

The first thing you should consider is the length of your music lesson, and something short is the best.
Aim towards making each plan last around 30 minutes long. It can take a bit longer if you teach group lessons, depending on the number of students joining your group. Do note that the duration may also depend on the number of times you will have to repeat certain parts of the lesson.
One smart way to teach music lessons is by rotating the themes. This is so the subject alters each week.
It can also be great to include some regular musical activities which can be done on a weekly basis.  For example, musical flash cards or games. Familiarity of repetition is good, plus, it’s excellent for practice. Not only that, but it’s an ideal way to establish basic musical understanding. 
Switch up the lengthier musical activities with shorter ones to keep your students engaged.

Make Use of Online Music Teacher Resources

In this day and age, there’s a wealth of knowledge online. In the past, music teachers would need to build a library of resources and supplies by visiting various music stores. Then, they’d have to search for classical tracks to use in their lessons.
But today, you have access to a plethora of music teacher resources that are reliable and good quality. From blogs, YouTube, to online music plans, there’s so much you can find to get you started immediately.
There will be instances when a preschool teacher has not taught music with their class. If you’re in this situation, then the idea of giving music lessons can be quite daunting.
Fortunately, you can find online resources which will provide a structured and easy-to-follow weekly program. These lesson plans will explain and build-up musical skills while making music a weekly highlight in class.

Stick to a Single Theme to Make Planning Easier and More Seamless

It’s best to select one theme to focus on per week. Then, adapt the corresponding activities for varying age groups.
There will always be a couple of activities you can do in every class. Just make sure to be creative to keep students engaged and interested at all times.

Flexibility is Always Key in Creating Music Teacher Resources

When it comes to creating music lessons, it’s always ideal to be flexible. The reason for this is that things don’t always go according to plan.
Your students may feel restless or are not in the mood. It’s best to have some fun music ideas, games or activities up your sleeve in case you need to make some last-minute-changes to the lessons.

Repetition to Reinforce Principles

The way you choose to order the themes of your lesson plans doesn’t really matter. That’s because they all consistently share the standard musical principles.
These include recognizing steady beats, repeated rhythm-listening, plus learning the note names and understanding their values. Standard musical principles also involve knowing about the solfege scale, and learning about pitch, intervals, singing notes, and more.
These ideas should be introduced and practiced each week. This will help familiarize your students with the lessons, which in turn will develop their skills and allow their confidence to grow.

Music Teacher’s Supplies

Of course, you’ll need the right equipment and tools when teaching music. Having the necessary supplies for teaching creates a positive impression with your students.
If you’re a beginner teacher, it’s likely that your students will be beginners as well.
Study the different materials available at your local music store, then consult with other teachers regarding their preferences.
Make sure that you have a good tablet or computer to use. Of course, it should be coupled with fast internet connection so you can readily stream videos found online.
A decent sound system to play music will be a great addition to your supplies. It would also be good to have a couple of music stands and equipment for certain instruments.
You should decide if you’d want your students to buy their own music sheets or whether you’ll provide them. If it’s the latter, this should be reflected in the price of your lessons or you can invoice them separately.
A music stand is useful to hold your teaching materials, lesson plans, and other resources.
To make the lesson entertaining, create music learning games especially if you have younger students. You can also devise a practice checklist to record their progress.
If you are teaching piano, you should have a metronome, theory workbooks, and piano songs. If you have to travel to the home of your students to teach, make sure to prepare for it. Bring a teaching bag with all the necessary supplies in it.
One last tip is to always take your business cards or fliers with you in case someone inquiries about extra slots for your music class.

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Music Teacher Resources: Games for Teachers

Music lessons are more than just teaching. Try recalling your first music lessons and your first teachers. Did they inspire you to continue to study music?
Good music teachers go beyond the basic classroom teaching and make things fun. It’s important for students to experience all aspects of music like singing, playing instruments, as well as reading sheet music or playing by ear.
Aside from knowing how to become a music teacher, you must make music lessons engaging. Doing so will definitely make you that special teacher who will be unforgettable to your students.
Here are some music games that you can try out with your students:
Kids having fun in their music lessons

We hope you find these music teacher resources and ideas helpful!