Drum Lessons

young girl playing the drums
When it comes to percussion instruments, drum lessons typically require the most practice, coordination and work. This instrument is integral for almost every song and is famous all over the world. With that said, it’s a great reason to find music teachers specializing in drumming when you are beginning to learn how to play the drums
This instrument may appear like an easy instrument to play. Yet, the required skill and coordination to play the drums is complex. Plus, it takes a lot of practice for you to master it.
Once you get the hang of playing the drums, it’s truly a rewarding instrument to play.

Where to Find Private Drum Lessons? 

If you are planning to learn how to play the drums, you can look into online drum lessons or search for drum lessons in your area. It’s possible to join a music conservatory or seek the help of music teachers who can customize their lessons to fit your specific goals.
A music instructor can establish a personalized learning plan with set goals for your level and learning style. They can also take the time to focus on a specific area that you might be struggling with in the lessons.

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Drum Lessons Enhance One’s Academic Performance

Learning how to play the drums has a positive effect on your cognitive development, including memory, listening, fine motor skills, and rhythm training.
Research shows that rock drumming for an hour every week can benefit autistic children. It helps them to have better focus and enhanced social interaction. Also, learning rhythm theory improves your mathematical capabilities as well.

Reduces Stress

Another benefit of drumming is that it can help relieve disappointments, frustrations, and stress. Playing for even just a few minutes can positively boost one’s mood! 
When you play the drums, you will get a feeling that’s similar to a runner’s high. That’s because a drummer’s brain releases feel-good endorphins after they perform. 
The physical process of playing the drums, along with its sound vibrations stimulates the release of negative emotions. This gives you that good feeling during and after you play.

Optimizes Brain Power and Enhances Academic Performance

When playing the drums, you coordinate all your four limbs. You are making these work simultaneously with the right sequence, timing, and tempo. You’re also required to use both sides of your brain at the same time, which improves your IQ levels greatly.
When you learn how to play drums, you’re boosting your academic performance, especially in math. Plus, drumming can help you learn frequencies, fractions, as well as intervals. 
young boy playing the drums

Develops Confidence

Since drumming is powerful, you’ll need to learn how to play dynamically: loudly, powerfully and softly. To be able to play a loud yet good beat takes a lot of confidence.
When practicing, a drummer should have a positive mindset. You need to believe that you can learn all the challenging parts that come with learning a new instrument. With that in mind, it’s important to not put too much pressure on yourself, and break down the challenges one at a time. 
The ability to break and segregate complex tasks into something more manageable can be applied to different areas of life. Believing that you can learn something challenging is vital in overcoming obstacles in both life and in music

Social and Creative Development with Drum Lessons

Everyone can enjoy playing the drums, and it unifies all ages and cultures all over the world. A drummer can join bands, contribute to the music, and meet different people, eventually leading to lifelong friendships.

It’s generally a global language that every person can be a part of.

Happy boy playing the drums

Online Drum Lessons

Not everyone has the chance to work with music teachers in a one-on-one setup. Many people aren’t in the right geographical location to access a drumming teacher. They may be too busy to travel regularly or can’t afford the hourly rates because of other financial commitments
It’s also possible that they’re not sure if in-person lessons are the best option. If any of these scenarios hold true for you, engaging in online drum lessons can be a great alternative.
With the advances in fast and efficient internet access, you can begin playing the drums right in your own home. You can choose to practice in your living room or a quiet corner of your home. It doesn’t matter where as long as you’re comfortable during your lessons! 
The internet helps make things easier for everyone, especially when learning how to play the drums. Some sites offer a series of simplified lessons. Others offer tips on tuning your drum kit, how to hold your drumsticks and the like.
Aside from websites, there are YouTube channels that can help you learn how to play the drums. These can work as excellent aids to help you progress through your learning journey. However, ensure that you practice regularly and we would still recommend that you get some one-on-one experience too.
There is no substitute to having practical lessons. Using other online resources can certainly help you progress as it’s great practice, but this will only reinforce what you’ve already learned from taking practical lessons.

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What You’ll Need to Start Online Drum Lessons

Planning to take online drum lessons? If that’s the case, here are the things you’ll need to have an effective learning experience.

Drum Lessons for Beginners

When taking beginner drum lessons, one of the first things you will learn is to have the right posture. This is key in developing endurance, speed, and precision. 
Although the style and role of drumming have changed over time, the basic drum techniques haven’t changed. All great drummers still form their style based on the same music theory.
The lessons involve learning about introductory rudiments, rhythm, tempo, drum fills, and solos. Music teachers also show how to set up a drum set.
Learning how to play rhythms clearly is another thing you will learn when taking beginners’ drum lessons. To do this, you will need to hold the drumsticks properly
The way you hold the drumsticks affects speed, sound, and comfort. Plus, having the right grip will help you prevent any injuries while playing the drums.
After around six weeks, the instructor will teach you how to coordinate your hands and feet. This is often done by adding the bass drum, which is played with your foot using a pedal. Along with that, you will start learning the basic concepts of drumming.
Playing drums is a craft. Once you master the basics, you will eventually develop your unique take on the instrument. You can create your own style and sound, which becomes a direct extension of your musical ideas.
happy young woman playing the drum
Female Beginner Taking Drum Lessons

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for Kids

Do you catch your child constantly drumming on various objects in your house, like table tops, pans, and pots? Do they like making noise with anything within reach? He or she might be the drummer in your family!
There is a drummer inside most of us. That’s not a surprise since the drums are one of the world’s universal instruments. Drums are used in various musical genres and they have different purposes within each culture.

Is Your Child Ready to Start Drum Lessons?

It’s never too early for a child to start learning music. But most parents still ask when a child is ready to take drum lessons.

The best age to start drum lessons is between 6 and 7 years old. These are the years when most kids acquire the mental focus required for learning the drums. However, there are some exceptions, and it usually depends on your child’s willingness to learn.

For the beginner musician, the drums are one of the easiest instruments, making it ideal for students of all ages. But each child is unique, and children progress at their own pace. Before enrolling your child in drum lessons, you must prepare them for what they need to learn.

Concepts like timing and rhythm are important skills for learning any musical instrument. Mastering these also has positive effects on a child’s cognitive development, growth, and learning in other activities.

This is especially true when the drums are taught in a focused music program involving one-on-one instruction.

How Long Will It Take for a Child to Get Good at Playing the Drums?

If your child has consistent, steady practice, they can have basic proficiency in six months of drum lessons. Some reach the advanced level in three to five years, but it varies for each individual.

Learning how to play the drums doesn’t stop once the lessons are done. To see the best results, music teachers recommend spending at least 20-30 minutes practicing daily.

How Long Does It Take to Learn How to Play the Drums?

Anyone can learn the basics of drumming in a few weeks, and sometimes, if you are ambitious enough, a few days. That is if you try hard enough and if you are serious about it. However, just because you know the basic techniques it doesn’t mean that you’ve mastered them.

To some people, the drums appear like an extremely easy instrument to play and learn. Yet, the ability to coordinate your mind and body to execute the appropriate beat together with other instruments needs practice. A lot of it. 

The drums are basically the same as every other instrument available in terms of how long it takes to learn. You can become proficient with it in about eight months to a year if you practice seriously and consistently. To note, even having just 20 minutes of practice every day can make a huge difference in your progress.

Learning how to play the drums within a year is possible. All you need to do is focus on practicing and follow a good lesson plan provided by a local or online instructor. Practice everyday and do the tasks assigned by your teacher to achieve the best results.

young boy wearing headphones is playing the drums